Guided Birding & Nature Trails
Engage your senses as you stroll along scenic trails, surrounded by lush foliage. Walking allows you to observe the nature at close quarters and provides a greater immersive experience. The experience is greatly enhanced, as you are accompanied by our nature guides who are well versed with the flora and fauna of the region. Listen to their stories interspersed with interesting facts about the various species that you encounter. Let them unveil the secrets of the wilderness, as they share their expertise and love for conservation.
Whether you are a seasoned bird watcher or a nature enthusiast, birding in Rukhad is a true delight. With its wide array of resident and migratory birds, From the majestic Indian Pitta to the elusive Malabar Pied Hornbill, witness the vibrant plumage and melodious calls of these winged wonders. With each step along the trails, immerse yourself in the sights and sounds of nature, capturing rare sightings and cherishing moments of serenity.